Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sunday March 27, 2016 marked the beginning again!

We are officially a new group.

Our meeting times are:
Sunday at 10 AM Public talk in English & Watchtower.
Thursday at 7 PM Theocratic school and Bible Study.

Our first official meeting in the front!

We meet at the Puerto Morelos Kingdom Hall
    two Spanish congregations
    one Mayan group
    one English group

Many have asked about the Ministry..

“THE harvest is great, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” 
Matthew 9:37, 38

It is as in any foreign field...there is much search work for english speaking individuals.
This truly is a pleasure.

More workers are always appreciated in the field...some come on vacation, some come for a few weeks, a few months and some come to stay. 

Of course we have cart work...a blessing, there are several places we place the cart...
the Glorietta, the square and the Pier.