Sunday, February 6, 2011

Puerto Morelos Kingdom Hall Update

 Here is an update for the Puerto Morelos Kingdom Hall Build... They were hoping to be done by Friday but it didn't happen so next Friday is the next done date... Soon after that they plan on a dedication and our first meeting...we would like to see an english group started here but we dont know yet...its in the works.

Here is Larry getting ready to hammer drill through the cement block to put in a security light.

Here is a brother that is from Oregon, he is in a Spanish congregation there,  he is here to help the brothers in this area with construction,  his daughter lives here,  he is a professional dry waller in the states.

Here I am holding a wad of electrical wire, the electrical panel is just behind me ,  later you will see how they  "mud" the walls with cement,  it makes them much stronger and durable.  
this is how they pour cement...its funny when the chicken walked through it from next door...the fence going up is to stop the chicken from coming right in, which she does whenever she feels right now...then all shoo her out...its quite a site! 

We're almost done...painted, lights in, windows all we need is doors...thats next.  Oh and just to let you all know...this is not a dress code that is acceptable in the states,  I'm wearing Alexis pants ( I didn't bring jeans, didn't know I'd be working on a hall build)  They dont care what I'm wearing as long as we are there to work, willing to work and are decent.  Now I'm looking to buy some Jeans...there is another hall build on the other side of Playa del Carmen...and we've been asked to go and do the electrical... 

Here id one of the young Regional Build brothers putting cement ( a very thin coat) on the sheetrocked wall to give it stability.  It looks real nice when done and fits in with the rest of the decor of the kingdom hall. 

here the dog walked through the recently poured cement...silly  dog. 

the dogs in the area are not like belizean dogs... they are well cared for  and healthy...this one belongs to the neighbor and liked the cool sand just the way this is just after walking through the wet cement...look at its paws...he he

these are the finished sheetrock/cement walls...they just need painted...they're beautiful. 

Here is Lexi working with us...and the kingdom hall almost done!!  We are done for the day and taking off our hard hats 
We have been working every day on the kingdom hall here in Puerto Morelos,  studying every morning for 2 or more hours with Marco and trying to keep up with the studies on the other (ocean) side of Puerto Morelos.  Its a challenge but well worth the effort...Marco is really making us prove to him (and ourselves) the reason for our faith... what a joy to see when some bible truth hits them between the eyes!! We really look forward to the next 3 months.

Today is Sunday,  we had our Public talk and Watchtower last night so we are watching Markito (Marco's 9 year old son) while he works today...we will go to the Hall to see how things are going today...its the time the local brothers are off work and no meeting, a good time for them to work in the service til noon and then work on the hall.  I will post more pictures when I can...

We havent been to the ocean in over a week...we will soon and post more pictures of that for you all...

Much Christian Love to All.....

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. Hope you dont miss the below zero weather here. Oh and the 4 inches of snow we might get tonight.
