Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Beautiful Day in the Ministry

 Thursday October 31, 2013

Our first day in the Ministry at the Puerto Morelos Square.  Some from Playa, the Spanish hall and Puerto Morelos English.

Today is Tuesday  November 5, 3013.

 Larry and I are taking our first street this morning.
 I love going to the door with my pioneer partner and husband.
 We had 5 in our cargroup:

Tim Hendricks
Mark and Missy Storehaug
and Larry and I

We have big red out... good thing, the potholes and water were horrendous!  It has been raining just about daily and certainly nightly,  the mangroves are full and everything is very green. It has rained fairly hard all day in Playa Del Carmen, yet it has been nice here in Puerto Morelos.
 Still a beautiful day in the Ministry!!

Mark and Missy at a door.

Just an idea of how the roads are and the traffic.

Meeting in Playa Del Carmen tonight...
Looking forward to more spiritual food.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Dawn. My family and I live in Oregon, US. and are looking to relocate to where there is a need in Mexico (English cong for now). I ran across your blog and wondered if you have any current information on the need in Puerto Morelos. I know there is no cong of yet, but is there a need in the field? Or perhaps you know of another cong nearby with a need. We are primarily interested in Quanina Roo, because of safety concerns (we have two young kids). Any info or contact numbers, would be very appreciated!

    Your Sis Dawn :)
