Saturday, February 11, 2012

45 in the square in Puerto Morelos to Praise Jehovah's Name and seek out Deserving ones!!

What a joy it is to see like minded ones share in one voice to the praise of our God, Jehovah!

 We had to take several pictures to get the full group

 This is Papa and Sasha in the front, regular pioneers and an elder (soon to be Puerto Morelos cong.) YaY!! Next is Richard with the hat and his wife, Nancy in red ... they are visiting from Oregon for a month or so. Then Larry, in the cowboy hat, Lynn & Lexi.

This is our morning walk on the beach ...
the sunrise is spectacular, Jehovah paints a beautiful one for our enjoyment every morning, no two alike.

The water is warm and calm this morning...


  1. You guys look so happy and relaxed!! Thanks for all the pictures. What a joy!
